The world in which we live in,

… is tension-charged, fast-paced, and full of demands and complexities that have caused the stress level of our population to reach epidemic proportions.

Even at early school ages stress is common, and we very often tend to neglect our health and well-being.

Is it possible to live stress free in today’s world?

That’s a good question we should all ask ourselves, because stress is one of the prevailing characteristics in today’s world.

Well, the answer is yes, therefore one should undertake all precautions to make the environment where we live or work to an oases of peace. The bedroom a place where we stay most without a break is one of the most important places to shield off disturbing environmental electromagnetic fields, as the body and psyche are very sensitive during the sleeping phase. Here we need relaxation and not stress. The body can take a lot during the day, if it can recover during the night.

BioEnergy has taken on the task to help today’s society, and to offer products and services for the well-being of body and health, whether at home, in schools, at work, basically anywhere.